"bitter anko" <kaz762@hotmail.com> wrote in message 
> On 1月31日, 午前3:40, "Moab" <M...@ordanance.org> wrote:
>> http://www.rapeofnanking.info/
> Notorious propaganda of the evil imperialist Chinks and the Anglo-
> Saxon whites. The axis of evils.
> The intention of this fabrication produced by China and the US is to
> massacre the Japanese again.

Fabrication by the USA !!! Why would the USA want to
do this to Japan ?.

Read the historical report in Wikipedia


On December 13, the Japanese entered the walled city of Nanjing, facing 
hardly any military resistance

Atrocities begin:
Eyewitness accounts from the period state that over the course of six weeks 
following the fall of Nanjing, Japanese troops engaged in an orgy of rape, 
murder, theft, and arson. The most reliable accounts came from foreigners 
who opted to stay behind in order to protect Chinese civilians from certain 
harm, including the diaries of John Rabe and Minnie Vautrin. Others include 
first-person testimonies of the Nanjing Massacre survivors. Still more were 
gathered from eyewitness reports of journalists, both Western and Japanese, 
as well as the field diaries of certain military personnel. An American 
missionary, John Magee, stayed behind to provide a 16mm film documentary and 
first-hand photographs of the Nanjing Massacre. In addition, although few 
Japanese veterans have admitted to having participated in atrocities in 
Nanjing, some?most notably Shiro Azuma?have admitted to criminal behavior.

Nanjing Hospital was the site of some of the most gruesome atrocities 
committed during the occupation. Bandages were torn from the flesh of the 
wounded, casts were smashed with clubs, and nurses were repeatedly raped

[edit] Rape
  "Thirty girls were taken from language school last night, and today I have 
heard scores of heartbreaking stories of girls who were taken from their 
homes last night--one of the girls was but 12 years old....Tonight a truck 
passed in which there were eight or ten girls, and as it passed they called 
out "Ging ming! Ging ming!"--save our lives." (Minnie Vautrin's diary, 16 
December 1937)
  "It is a horrible story to relate; I know not where to begin nor to end. 
Never have I heard or read of such brutality. Rape: We estimate at least 
1,000 cases a night and many by day. In case of resistance or anything that 
seems like disapproval there is a bayonet stab or a bullet." (James 
McCallum, letter to his family, 19 December 1937)
The International Military Tribunal for the Far East stated that 20,000 (and 
perhaps up to 80,000) women were raped?their ages ranging from infants to 
the elderly (as old as 80). Rapes were often performed in public during the 
day, sometimes in front of spouses or family members. A large number of them 
were systematized in a process where soldiers would search door-to-door for 
young girls, with many women taken captive and gang raped. The women were 
then killed immediately after the rape, often by mutilated.

Various foreign residents in Nanking at the time recorded their experiences 
with what was going on in the city:

  Robert Wilson in his letter to his family: "The slaughter of civilians is 
appalling. I could go on for pages telling of cases of rape and brutality 
almost beyond belief. Two bayoneted corpses are the only survivors of seven 
street cleaners who were sitting in their headquarters when Japanese 
soldiers came in without warning or reason and killed five of their number 
and wounded the two that found their way to the hospital.  "
  John Magee in his letter to his wife: "They not only killed every prisoner 
they could find but also a vast number of ordinary citizens of all ages.... 
Just the day before yesterday we saw a poor wretch killed very near the 
house where we are living. "
  Robert Wilson in his another letter to his family: "They [Japanese 
soldiers] bayoneted one little boy, killing him, and I spent an hour and a 
half this morning patching up another little boy of eight who had five 
bayonet wounds including one that penetrated his stomach, a portion of 
omentum was outside the abdomen."
The judgments
Following evidence of mass atrocities, General Iwane Matsui was judged for 
"crimes against humanity" and, in 1948, sentenced to death by the Tokyo 
tribunal. Matsui went out of his way to protect Prince Asaka by shifting 
blame to lower ranking division commanders. Generals Hisao Tani and Rensuke 
Isogai were sentenced to death by the Nanking tribunal.