"Xiao Li" <SteddieVed@yahoo.com> wrote in message
.  Don't cross-list it in the China forum because
> quite frankly, I don't care give a rat's ass what happened to the
> Japanese.

Because you are dumb fucking cruel chink imperialist.

> And by the way, unlike the Japanese, America DOES teach about its
> alleged crimes. In fact, when I was in my world history class, we
> learned nothing about WW2 except for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Not
> once, was the Japanese atrocities mentioned.  So much for an unbiased
> education.

Moron, America does NOT teach the casualty of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They
don't even allow to exhibit those things left by the victims of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki as examples of the casualty of nukes in the Smithsonian museum.
They are trying to hide the truth of the casualty of nukes to their people
as long as it's possible. What kind of silly thing are you trying to say
huh? Also there is no proof about the alleged case of Nanking, so how could
we ever teach that huh? Hiroshima and Nagasaki is just taught in Japan as a
result of war, and the cause of surrender, idiot.
No matter whether the Japanese teach it or not, there were a bunch of
damages left in Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused by the nukes until a few years
ago, so how could we hide it? How could we ever distort it as if a Typhoon
caused it?