It is amazing that you don't realize that the meat >> you eat is the
creation of those animals, it is an organic part of those animals. You take
that << meat >> directly into your body and thus slowly you start making
your own organic system animal-like. That system will affect you. That
system will make your body a solid stone wall. Perhaps the reason why
animals could not grow in intelligence is mostly because of their physical
body. The intelligence which has evolved within you will slowly be reversed
with the accumulation of animal flesh in your body. And very small things
can make revolutionary changes - so small that we cannot even comprehend
that they could do so.
Scientists say that the growth of intelligence in the human brain was
possible because he stood up on his hind legs; had he been moving on his
hands and feet his brain could not have evolved. It is such a small thing
that it is amazing that it has made so much difference, such as the
difference in intelligence between a monkey and a man, a man and a dog -
what a tremendous difference there is between an Einstein and a monkey! And
scientists say that this difference is due to such a small thing.standing up
on our hind legs. How could it happen? It happened because the flow of blood
to the brain was reduced; blood now had to be pumped upwards to the brain.
When the flow was reduced the brain could grow tender tissues, subtle
nerves. If the flow is fast, the subtle nerves are destroyed. Animals have a
constant large flow of blood towards the brain: that is why subtle nerves do
not grow. It is like a river flowing very fast and not allowing the tiny
plants to grow; not even the tiny pebbles can stay. They are all flushed
away, thrown away. nly reason so much evolution of human intelligence became
possible is that the brain received less blood. This is also why when you
get up in the morning after a night's sleep your intelligence is fresh.
Using your intelligence the whole day, by nighttime you get so tired you
fall asleep, and during sleep more blood reaches to your brain.
So there is not much difference between our sleep and an animal's sleep. The
difference is in the waking states. Howsoever you look, you can't tell the
difference between a sleeping man and a sleeping animal, or can you? No, all
the differences begin in the waking state of a man and an animal.