"Ernest Schaal" <eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote in message 
> in article e77odj$k6b$1@nnrp.gol.com, B at none@nowhere.com wrote on 
> 6/20/06
> 12:01 PM:
>> goldrunt wrote:
>>> You're right I haven't seen much debate about it in Japanese news, but
>>> when your family has been living on fish for thousands of years,
>>> discontinuing the practice is somewhat of a joke.
>> Whales are not fish and Japan does not have a history of eating whales.
>> Japanese whaling started post war and involves huge factory ships that
>> operate more months at a time in the Southern Sea.
> Probably the biggest reason why there isn't much debate in the Japanese 
> news
> about it is that whaling really isn't that important to the average
> Japanese. Even before the whaling moratorium, the Japanese ate more than
> twice as much beef as they did whale meat.
> In 1999, when discussing dioxins in whales, the Ministry of Agriculture,
> Forestry, and Fisheries stated  "However, given that the average annual
> consumption of Minke whale meat by residents of Japan is a mere 16 grams,
> the potential impact on human health is negligible."
> Putting that 16 grams in perspective, that is about one half the weight of 
> a
> typical biscotti.

multiplied by 120 million means a lot of fucking whales 

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