Eric Takabayashi <> wrote in message news:<>...
> another fool wrote:
> > Eric Takabayashi <> wrote in message news:<>...
> That's your group. I'm talking about the rest of the people.
> How do they do research if they are unable to function in English? Are they the ones making the discoveries for the
> first time on the earth?

Sometimes you would think so.  Sometimes they are suprised when they
present something to the group and I point out that yes, that was
already done and here is the followup.  It is all rather amusing since
if I miss it usually the group leader (who is very fluent in english)
points it out.

> > However, you
> > cannot also make the statement that they are exclussionairy based
> > simply on the fact that they are requiring submissions in the language
> > of the land.
> Why not, particularly with the other requirements?

Because that was the original assumption of the original author who
started this discussion.  That the lack of english and requirement of
handing in the documents in person were exclusionairy.

If you want to agree that they are not and move into how the
construction industry as a whole is exclusionairy then let`s move on.