"Rindler Sigurd" <srindler@da2.so-net.ne.jp> wrote in message news:<3f3741a6$1_4@news.uncensored-news.com>...

> True, but the Germans and Austrians  (and recently the Swiss) have not
> voluntarily done so either! The Jewish lobby has achieved a lot by
> threatening them to shun German products, especially the automotive mass
> productions. Good words didn't get them anywhere, and neither will such
> words impress the Japanese. All you have to do is convince them that there
> are alternatives to Toyota, Nissan, Sony, etc... I'll bet my farm that the
> Japanese will cough up lots of yen to make this nagging ghosts disappear...
> once the orders don't come in!

Actually what the Germans/Austrians were trying to avoid was repaying
and returning all of the money that was illegally seazed from the Jews
as well as returning all of the looted artifacts, gold, and art works
stolen by their armies during the war.

What the Swiss were trying to avoid was opening their books that
showed just how cozy they were with Nazi Germany and how many millions
of dollars are still sitting in accounts at banks earning the Swiss
money since the owners are now deceased...