Re: How long have you been in Japan?
Michael Cash wrote:
> I think it generally turns out to be the people who plan to come here
> and stay forever-n-ever-n-ever-n-ever who either 1) never show up at
> all or b) get disgusted and leave after 3 or 4 years.
Yeah. Best laid plans and all that. It is probably not wise to assume
you will be able to anticipate everything significant that will happen
to you in a new, unfamiliar place. Heck, it's pretty hard to plan ahead
even when you are in a thoroughly familiar place.
As for those of us who had no particular intention of staying long-term,
at least initially, I suppose the reasons we are still here vary. In
many (most) cases, though, family connections are the main factor, no
doubt. Moving on to a new locale may not be a big deal if you are
single, but with a spouse and kids in the picture things are not so
simple. Then of course there is the sneaking suspicion that you may not
be employable at home any more. (I know that last one doesn't apply to
you, Mike.)
Scott Reynolds
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