AWA [OFFER] Oil / Transmission Additive
AWA [OFFER] Oil / Transmission Additive
Inventory ID: 8444
Manufacturer: Manufacturer, US
Country: United States
Contact: All World Automotive
Line Items: 1
Value: $11,550
Photos Available: no
Levels the TBN, reduces oxidation, provides an extra measure of lubricity, provides extra rust control, and will literally melt (soften and emulsify) carbonaceous deposits. It then places these carbonaceous deposits into the oil solution. Keeps your oil in good condition and reduces oxidation so well that oil change intervals can be extended. It can also be used as a cylinder preparatory storage oil (squirted into the individual cylinder) in automotive and small engines to clean carbon deposits and keep rings and cylinders from rusting during storage. 2-cycle and 4-cycle engines that have stuck rings can be unstuck with this product
Works with all forms of motor oils, including synthetic, and has a variety of uses such as end of season storage, removing carbon and varnish, and pre-conditioning the rings before startup. This product will also enhance hydraulic systems, transmissions, and power steering as proven in a lab report.
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