From(投稿者): | "Matthias Bauw" <> |
Newsgroups(投稿グループ): | |
Subject(見出し): | guitar forum |
Date(投稿日時): | Wed, 2 Nov 2005 17:04:01 +0100 |
Organization(所属): | -= Belgacom Usenet Service =- |
Message-ID(記事識別符号): | (G) <4368e476$1$30756$> |
Followuped-by(子記事): | (G) <uLhuf.10742$> |
hi there, I have started a new free guitar forum about a week ago. You can find this forum at We are currently looking for members, moderators, people to write articles so that this new project may become a success please come and meet our community Matt