Good morning to all,

I'm happy to announce

I am happy to inform you that I finally managed to draw up an automatic
worksheet to calculate DELTA LOOP antennas directly since the Web site!

The calculation part is 100% operational and it is enough for you to seize
your frequency of reference so that all the functional dimensions are posted
on the Web page.

I invite you to test this function without awaiting :o)

Direct adress of the web page :

Note that I will translate this page in other language soon (Italian,
Spanish and Germanic)

Your commentaries will be appreciated.


             ____              ____
         ____\  / ~~~~~~~~~~~~ \  /____
     ____\  / \/   DELTA LOOP   \/ \  /____
     \  / \/           by           \/ \  /
      \/             Olivier            \/
     ~~~~~~~~ The DX Queen Antenna ~~~~~~~