Star Trek Convention
"Roddenberry's Universe, One man's dreams = a universe of possibilities"
When: 16-18 September, 2005
Where: La Trobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne, Australia.
Guests: Eugene Roddenberry Jnr, Vaughn Armstrong (Adl Forrest: Enterprise),
David Winning (director: Andromeda & Earth Final Conflict) Literary Guest:
Ken Ludden (author "Second Pass")
Tickets: Australian Dollars $60 one day or $100 for two, packages containing
autographs start from $150
Booking: Ticket forms and online bookings via our website
Benefits of an Australian Convention
*Small and intimate, a large Australian Convention has around 300 attendees,
most average around 100.
* You can easily get autographs
* You have the opportunity to ask questions of the guests when they are on
stage and often the opportunity to chat when their not.
*Currency Exchange rates work in the favor of most international visitors,
for example the $AUD 100 2 day ticket is roughly $USD 75 or 43 UK pounds.
Even the airfares are cheaper when booked outside Australia!
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