Re: **** PS3 will lack AA and HDR?? ****
"Xen0s*" <> wrote in message
>" Got to talk to an old friend of mine from HS. Hes an AI programmer. He
> designed the orginal Splinter Cell's AI and the AI for Deus Ex 2 and Thief
> 3. Bastard even had a level from Splinter Cell named after him. Long story
> short, hes currently working at Midway on next gen stuff. Hes got working
> specs and kits on both X360 and PS3. He says X360 will hold up just fine
> against PS3. It even edges it out in some categories. But all in all he
> says
> its gonna be extremely difficult to see a difference in the systems.
> ****He
> says the only thing that may bite Sony in the "graphical" ass is the lack
> of
> anti-aliasing.*** Other than that hes under strict "we will fire your ass
> if
> you talk" NDA about what hes working on so don't ask. "
That surprises ANYONE? Sony hasn't ever had AA on anything.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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