Cancer - Press Review (September 8, 2012) – Revue de presse (8 septembre 2012)
Cancer – Press Review – Revue de Presse
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Press Review (September 8, 2012) – Revue de presse (8 septembre 2012)
Taking Breaks From Prostate Cancer Hormone Therapy Seems Safe: Study
Trial found no difference in overall survival.
By Maureen Salamon. In U.S. News & World Report
Pfizer kidney cancer drug gets EU approval
Pfizer Inc said its oral drug Inlyta received European approval as a
second-line treatment for kidney cancer patients who do not respond to
an initial chemotherapy.
In Reuters
Standing Up to Cancer
Every month, I travel 600 miles from my home near Chesapeake, VA, to
Boston. It's a journey of hope that is made possible by some dedicated
and compassionate researchers and Stand Up To Cancer, which focuses on
quickly bringing new therapies to cancer patients...
By Pam Zwemer. In Huffington Post
New study shows increase in lung cancer for women and non-smokers
A new report presented on September 4, 2012 at the European
Respiratory Society$B!G(Bs Annual Congress in Vienna is reporting a higher
incidence of lung cancer in women and non-smokers than ever before.
Not much is known as to why the increase though the World Health
Organization (WHO) verified earlier in the year that one of the causes
of lung cancer was exhaust fumes from diesel engines.
By Charlotte Raynor. In Examiner
Lilly lung cancer drug fails to meet main goal in Phase 3 study
Drugmaker Eli Lilly and Co said on Thursday its late-stage lung cancer
study failed to meet its primary goal of improved overall survival for
patients with nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer.
In Reuters
FDA Approves Enzalutamide (Xtandi) for Late-Stage Prostate Cancer
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved enzalutamide
(Xtandi), a once-daily oral therapy for men with metastatic castration-
resistant prostate cancer that has either spread to other organs or
recurred, despite prior surgical or medical treatment. The drug,
originally known as MDV3100, is now part of a growing number of
therapies for late-stage prostate cancer.
By Anne Azvolinsky. In Cancer Network
Lack Of Sleep May Raise Risk Of Aggressive Breast Cancer: Study
Regularly getting too little sleep could increase the risk of
aggressive breast cancer, according to a new study.
In Huffington Post
Le cancer au coeur de la prochaine journ$(D??(Be nationale de la prostate
L'Association fran$(D??(Baise d'urologie (AFU) placera le cancer au centre
de la prochaine Journ$(D??(Be nationale de la prostate, qui se d$(D??(Broulera le
20 septembre prochain.
Dans Le Parisien
Les statines, nouvelle arme contre le cancer?
Les statines, l'un des m$(D??(Bdicaments les plus utilis$(D??(Bs au monde contre
le «mauvais» cholest$(D??(Brol, pourraient $(D??(Btre efficaces contre la
formation de vaisseaux lymphatiques pr$(D??(Bcurseurs de m$(D??(Btastases, ce qui
permettrait d'ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives dans le traitement du
Du caf$(D??(B pour lutter contre le cancer
Plusieurs $(D??(Btudes scientifiques mettent en $(D??(Bvidence un effet favorable
de ce breuvage sur le risque de d$(D??(Bveloppement du cancer colorectal.
Par Anne Jeanblanc. Dans Le Point
Cancer pulmonaire : mieux vaut $(D??(Btre femme en couple qu'homme seul
Dans le cancer pulmonaire, le fait d$B!G$(D??(Btre en couple ou mari$(D??(B est
associ$(D??(B $(D??(B une probabilit$(D??(B de survie plus longue apr$(D??(Bs le traitement,
quand on compare avec les personnes qui vivent seules. Et les femmes
ont une meilleure survie que les hommes.
Dans Le Quotidien du M$(D??(Bdecin
Davantage de cancers associ$(D??(Bs $(D??(B une grossesse
Selon une $(D??(Btude australienne publi$(D??(Be dans « BJOG : an International
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology », le taux de cancers associ$(D??(Bs $(D??(B
une grossesse est en augmentation et n$B!G(Best que partiellement expliqu$(D??(B
par l$B!G(Baugmentation du nombre de m$(D??(Bres $(D??(Bg$(D??(Bes.
Dans Le Quotidien du M$(D??(Bdecin
Cancer Blog – Marc Lacroix – Le Blogue du Cancer
Marc Lacroix-Corman – InTextoResearch – Baelen (09/2012)
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