Re: Promote Peace: Boycott USA goods
Rykk wrote:
> know buddee wrote:
>> The Role of Boycotts in the Fight for Peace
> Not very smart. The US is such an huge influence in the world economy
> that an economic collapse here will result in an economic collapse
> everywhere else. People who talk about "world peace" should remember
> that the US is very much a part of the world too. Also, many nations
> have thier currency pegged to the US dollar. So anything that would
> reduce the value of US currency also reduces the value of these other
> countries currencies.
> It is a bad deal all around. Pissing in the toilet, then drinking it.
> Rykk
Well, there is no necessity for the other currencies to take a dive.
After all, those countries are not in hock up to their eyeballs.
Much as others would not like this to happen, da Bush's fiscal
irresponsibility will have consequences which everyone will have to try
and cope with.
Putting it another way, nobody wants the ship to sink, but you can only
pump out so much water and if some idiot keeps drilling holes in the
hull, that ship will eventually sink.
John Mullen
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