Re: Escape From The Planet Of The Assholes.
Ed wrote:
> Japan doesn't "work" for anybody.
> I would love to leave with you. The problem is that after 15 years in this
> joint, there is no "Indiana" to go home to. The country I left no longer
> exists. The street names are still there, the city names, the basic
> geography of the USA I left still exists, but they are like ghosts from
> yesteryear.
Last time I was in Austria I walked into one of the local banks in my
hometown to change some yen into south pacific pesos. "Could I change
these please" I ask. The smiling teller did so, all the time asking
slowly enunciated questions such as "And - how - long - will - you - be
- in Ost - tray - ya?" and "Are - you - enjo - ying - your - holi - day?"
> I go to the states and am utterly and hopelessly lost! "Who are these obese
> inconsiderate assholes?" is what I want to know!!! Where did these idiots
> come from?
Law skool?
Non gratum anus rodentum
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