Cross posting to soc.culture.japan.moderated
Sorry. Correctly, "permission from soc.culture.japan.moderated moderators".
Louise Bremner wrote:
> > [cross-posted to with permission from soc.culture.japan
> > moderators]
> Since when did anyone need permission from the scjm moderators to post
> in fli-j? Or in scj, for that matter.
The soc.culture.japan.moderated FAQ says:
3.2 Inappropriate Topics
Last updated June 1997
* Topics not involving Japan.
* Topics involving ethnic Japanese people that have no direct connection
to Japan or Japanese culture.
For example, Lance Ito being Japanese American does not make the
OJ Simpson trial an appropriate topic.)
* Commercial, wanted, forsale, or personal ads.
* All crossposts except to soc.culture.japan.
This exception is made to prevent the scjm readership from
becoming isolated from the scj readers who elect to stay in the
unmoderated forum. Note that such crossposts are subject to the
same moderation standards as all other posts to scjm, but anyone
whose posts are rejected can repost them in scj alone and continue
* Flamebaits, or posts designed specifically to elicit angry responses.
We recognize that the distinction between flamebaits and harsh
posts is a subjective one. The moderators will use their best
judgment to decide whether a flamebait will generate enough noise
to warrant being rejected.
The auto-posted "What is" article
(Mr. Hideo "Sir MaNMOS" Morishita) says:
* クロスポストについて
- あなたの記事がこのグループに適しているが、加えて他のグループ
If you think your article is suitable for other fj groups
as well as this group, we'd like to ask you to cross-post
your article to both groups. Of course such cross-posting
is up to your decision.
Declan Murphy wrote:
> Crikey. It takes 6 hours for something to get through scjm?
I hear they get lots of junk.
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