Kevin Gowen wrote:
 > John W. wrote:
 >> Kevin Gowen wrote:
 >>> Gee, nothing you quoted said anything about any people having a
 >>> homeland called Palestine.
 >> I used to believe you were just obtuse for the sake of being a
 >> jerk. I guess I was wrong.
 > You must be used to that by now.
Actually I'm rarely wrong about you. You are a jerk, you enjoy being a 
jerk, which makes you even more of a jerk.

 > Do you hate Jews because you keep getting fired by Jewish
 > supervisors?
I don't hate Jews and despite what you think I have only been
unfortunate enough to get laid off a couple of times. And since you keep 
bringing it up I'm curious why this bothers you more than it does me. My 
wife makes a good salary and I'm perfectly comfortable with that, and 
she in turn is comfortable with how I live my side of the relationship; 
we've been married ten years and without question we're happier today 
than ten years ago, as it should be.

Is it that you hold on to some outdated view that a man must support his 
family and that a wife should stay at home? There has to be something 
that really bothers you about my employment woes, since you feel the 
need to constantly track down every post I make in this group and reply 
to it, often with an insult, despite my rarely if ever posting anything 
aggressive towards you; actually a few months ago I even extended an 
olive branch. But I guess being a jerk is more important to you than 
being nice or trying to make friends, right?

John W.