Re: Sheesh! (Was Re: Politicians block comic over 'fake' Nanjing Massacre tale
Michael Cash wrote:
> In regards to the Rape of Nanking, you no doubt recall the story of
> the two officers who were reported in a Tokyo newspaper as being
> engaged in a contest to see who would be the first to behead 100
> Chinese. I recently resumed reading 20世紀にっぽん殺人事典
> and was surprised to find the contest among
> the entries in the book.
> Are you aware of what became of the two officers?
IIRC, they were both put on trial in China, and at least one, who was featured in something I read, was
later released and returned to Japan. And more recently the descendants of one or both of the men sued
the newspaper which carried the story, claiming that they had fabricated the headhunting contest. The
outcome of that I do not recall.
What of it?
"I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I can shove more than three
burgers in my mouth!"
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