Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> "Hallvard Tangeraas" <inv@lid.email> wrote in message
> news:4177b688$1@news.broadpark.no...
>>I've checked around here (in Norway), and I did find a store selling
>>Futons, but at a price!
> In Japan, you can expect a decent futon set to cost 100,000 to 200,000 yen.

My Japanese friend in Japan told me that he guessed it would cost
around Y 5000.
Maybe that's just something really simple, for guests staying a
night or two ?!

What exactly are you referring to when you say a futon *set*?
And what kind of different futon mattrasses are there?

> If you are not sleeping on tatami or soft carpet, you will probably need
> something to put under the futon.

Tatami: I only wish!!!! Fantastic to walk on -like a foot-massage almost.
And quite healthy as well, I've read somewhere on the web.

> Also, the shipping costs from Japan are likely to be exhorbitant.

How heavy are we talking?
I would have it sent by surface mail of course. I sent several packages from 
Japan by surface mail while there and was surprised by the reasonable cost 
and the relatively short time it took (less than 2 months to Norway, I was 
expecting 3) to get here.
