Michael Cash wrote:
> http://slate.msn.com/id/2108216/slideshow/2108085/entry/2108087/speed/100

Crikey, is that real hair or has it just come out of the oven? He is 50 
something years old right? No grey hairs, and a lot of it. But that 
whole procedure was what, 5 minutes? In 1990 I had to watch 3 people 
take nearly 20 minutes to get a pollie (who was a bit of a heavy 
sweater) ready for the lights. For some reason the 
hairdresserpersonthingee took up the most time, and it wasn't "real" hair.

"A large number of aliens have been applying themselves to studying in 
various areas inclusive of studying Japanese" - Masuda Nobuya, Director 
General, Immigration Bureau.