thegoons wrote:

> I object to JAL's greed,

All I have noticed is that I am paying the lowest JAL fares I have paid in 15
years of flying, and believe the cost cuts, hiring freezes, use of temporary
and part time flight attendants, and foreign flight attendants, are related.
JAL, like many other airlines, are experiencing decreased revenues and actual

> then to pretend the staff are Nihon-jin by putting them in stereotype JP
> hairstyle, uniform etc.

JAL is not pretending Thai flight attendants are Japanese. One can see or hear
it quite readily. The names, such as "Porntep" are also a hint they are not

What JAL is pretending on flights to Honolulu, is that the use of non-Japanese
flight attendants is for the express purpose of beginning the travelers'
"resort" experience. Aircraft used for "Resocha" flights are painted in yellow
and pink with a long billed bird and hibiscus motif to set them apart from
normal flights and aircraft.

 "I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I
can shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"