Re: Typhoon
Ernest Schaal wrote:
> Boy, the wind was blowing. Anyone else noticing this particular typhoon?
I notice every typhoon that strikes the main islands, even in sheltered
I especially like the reports of 12 meter waves along unprotected
shorelines. Higher even than in Hawaii despite much lower wind speed.
This particular one is causing coastal flooding and power outages here. I
was surprised to hear the death toll and list of missing for just the last
big typhoon was maybe 145 nationwide. Is that not more than everything that
hit Florida this year? I am now curious about financial losses, which
Japanese news do not seem to report.
It beats me why most Japanese seem unconcerned about the necessity of
preparation or precaution, or why the government will not put the entire
place under curfew ordering everyone off the streets and into homes or
shelters, as when hurricanes strike Hawaii. People who walk down the street
dressed for dates or a day out, hunched over against the wind with
umbrellas inside out, perhaps waist deep in water (and later laugh or brag
about it), are idiots. School cancellations due to typhoon do not equal
days off for hanging out or shopping downtown. Employers should also give
their employees' safety more thought. At least airlines and trains think
about safety.
"I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that
I can shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"
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