Tantric Gems back issues ===== Zwaus3PA
Tantric Gems back issues
A series of discourses on Tantra. These discourses are in the very truest spirit of yoga for Liberation of Self and Service to the Universe.
These articles are a must for your collection and research in this valuable subject area. As well as being indispensable for practical insights into spiritual practices. They are informative, enlightening and consciousness raising. Much knowledge can be gained from their reading.
Ultimately, their use is as an aid to actual spiritual meditation practices and in understanding one's Self and the spiritual nature of the Cosmos. Insights of this are gleaned from the significant concepts in the material and are from the deepest spiritual perspective.
The ongoing format is a sutra (verse), a regular discourse (spiritual scriptures), and an article from other works. From time there will be special features and these may be ongoing over several weeks.
Key themes for the discourses appear in each issue.
Sample summaries:
Tantric Gems - 01 - In this first issues, the theme of the discourse 'The Science of Action' is direct and indirect will, desire, action and reaction, and reactive momenta (samskaras). It looks at pleasure and pain, motor and sensory organs, vital energy and perception.
Tantric Gems - 02 - Key themes for the first discourse are motor and sensory organs, will power and mind, objective mind (citta), conscience or discriminating judgement (buddhi), prana and pranah (vital energy) and atman (soul). The next discourse looks at matter and non-matter, inferential waves (tanmatra), organs (indriya) and mind and perception.
Tantric Gems - 03 - This issue looks at the proper use (vaeragya) of things and the different bases for body, mind and the spiritual. It also considers Tantra and its effect on society, which is profound because of the fighting spirit of tantrikas and the spiritual practices, through awakening of the kula-kundalinii, that enable a person to rise above animality and crudity and move to the higher mental and spiritual faculties.
Tantric Gems - 04 - This issues considers what is Brahma, Shiva and Shakti and what is the soul-plate and the mental-plate. It gives a rundown of the Cosmic levels, ie Unqualified Cosmic Consciousness, Qualified Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic I-feeling, Cosmic Doer-I, Cosmic Done-I. It also sets out the importance of food and cells to physical and mental development and associates them to the three binding factors (sentient, mutative and static).
Tantric Gems - 05 - This issue covers what is knowledge and human progress and whether progress exists in the physcical, psychic or spiritual arenas. It also explores how God is close to you and because the Cosmic Consciousness is everywhere - you are never alone.
Tantric Gems - 06 - This issue explores the stages of realisation espoused by Krsna for devotees explained in such a way that one feels Krsna as one's dearest. The other article is an explanation as to gender differences in relation to incarnation of mind, but with the clear message that sex difference has no relevance to ability to attain spiritual realisation and hence spirituality does not discriminate between male and female.
Tantric Gems - 07 - Covers the various propensities associated with each chakra and the acoustic root of each 'petal' of each chakra. In effect this is also the Sanskrit alphabet. Starting from the 5th chakra and working downwards, is each consecutive letter of the first 48 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. Then the last 2 letters are the propensities associated with the 6th chakra. Also covered is the binding attributes of the Cosmic Cycle, maya and liberation from maya (illusion).
Tantric Gems - 08 - This issue again touches on the Sanskrit alphabet and the acoustic roots of sounds (which are ultimately also associated with the petals or propensiteis of the various chakras). Refer back to issue 7 for more details. As part of each issue of this email series, one letter of the Sanskrit alphabet will be discussed. The letter a' is analysed in this edition.
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