> I see guys, that You have long practise in Judo :) But how many hours per
> week You train?  The rest of discussion is ununderstendable for me - sorry
> ;)
> Now I'm practising a modern ju-jitsu, but our coachs in past trained judo,
> so our stand-up fight is based on judo ;) Im practising "fighting" from
> year of my life (oh my god - it's 17 years). First was judo, then
> traditional jiu-jitsu, next kung-fu wing tsun, a little oyama karate, and
> finally i've found in modern ju-jitsu. Thats all ;) And You - only judo,
> something else?
> Greetingz :)


    As you missed in the non-understandable (Spanish) posts, my knee is
hurt, so now I don't train at all. I'm starting Yoga this thursday though
and, if all goes well, I'm planning about returning to Judo as soon as I
feel fit. Anyhow, I used to spend four hours a week last time I tried.
    By the way, I started my training doing Karate. After I year I changed
to Full contact and then, after breaking a tooth, I went back to Karate.
Never went farther than orage-green belt in Karate :-(
    Then I changed to Jiujitsu, which was very much like Judo, as my teacher
was a Judo teacher too. I stayed with him doing both Judo and Jiujitsu, as
well as competition, but never got to black belt on JJ, mainly because I
don't feel belt color has much importance. I obtained Judo black belt after
quitting this school and learning with another all-judo teacher... but the I
got a shoulder injury, and stopped for a year. I went back in my former
dojo, then changed again to Bushidokwai dojo, where I hurt my knee and...
here I am! ;-)

    So, for me it's Karate, Fullcontact, Jiujitsu, Judo, Jiujitsu and Judo
again. Ah, I also did some archery back then... :-)