Re: Yokohama or Tokyo
Gerry wrote:
> In article <>, Eric Takabayashi
> <> wrote:
> > > Social Security is there to keep people from starving and/or dying
> > > in the street's like many world cultures. It's done pretty well at
> > > that so far, so I'm not interested in figuring out the fastest way
> > > to kill it, while making rich folk richer.
> >
> > But what of the fact that system will go bankrupt at projected rates,
> > if nothing is done about it?
> Who told you that?
Look at their own spending figures (spending ON SS, not what is siphoned away),
and imagine for yourself who will pay for it, and how.
In 1935, SS cost the government a whopping 1.27 million dollars.
In 2001 on SS alone, the gov't paid out near $432 billion, and increases about
$20-30 billion each year. SSI was another $32 billion in 2001.
People are rightly concerned about who will pay for Iraq, and how. That amount is
considerably less (about 1/4), and temporary.
I don't need you to make a government job out of figuring it out. The question is
this simple: who's going to pay that $460 billion a year, with annual cost of
living increases (2.5% a year), plus an additional $20-30 billion a year as more
of the population reaches retirement age, and how?
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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