John W. wrote:
> "Ryan Ginstrom" <> wrote in message news:<>...
>>"tm" <tm@tmoero.invalid> wrote in message
>>>I've noticed a similar problem in my own kitchen. Tried pouring cake
>>>batter in the fish griller but that didn't work out any better than
>>>the holiday turkey.
>>Try the rice cooker.
> There was a product years ago for baking cakes in the rice cooker. It
> was supposed to taste really good, but the marketing folks that came
> up with the original idea didn't realize the importance of the rice
> cooker in Japanese homes (almost always has rice in it, used every day
> for cooking rice, etc.) and the product flopped; that was in the 70s,
> I think.

I have a vague recollection of reading about that. Think it was in one 
of George Field's books.

"They took you up to midnight Mass and left you in the lurch
So you dropped a button in the plate and spewed up in the church."

  - The Sickbed of Cuchulainn