Re: Who copied who?
John W. wrote:
> Declan Murphy wrote:
>>Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
>>>Declan Murphy wrote:
>>>>Hmm - looks worth investigating. That one was written by a student
>>>>(paid), and I'll take our copy down while I write to them.
>>>Authored by Thomas A. Stanley and R.T.A. Irving
>>>Copyright ゥ 1996, 1998
>>>"This project, by Dr. R.T.A. Irving of Kwansei Gakuin University in
>>>Sanda, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, and Dr. Thomas A. Stanley, Department of
>>>History, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, began as a multimedia
>>>CD-ROM project ..."
>>>Sounds like there's a student who will receive some serious spanking ...
>>Looks like it. I've already sent the "Sorry to bother you but, ..." email.
> My bad. Or good, depending on perspective; actually I thought it'd be the
> other way around. My friend's a high school teacher and often uses the
> Internet to search for elements of his students' papers. One thing that amazes
> me (and him) is that a lot of his students don't realize how odd it looks to
> have a paragraph of terrible grammar followed by one that is all but perfect.
I guess I'll have to implement a similar check process. The articles are
usually written by students (usually by those with a little bit of month
left over at the end of the money) for a small fee.
"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on"
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