fly Fishing Compendium
If you are an aspiring fly fisherman, novice, expert or just interested,
the Fishing Compendium is the CD book for you.
As CD's have so much more room for information than bulky books, are
easily read on your computer screen, display and define graphics that
can be printed, allow for linking to informational sites on the web and
are easily taken to the field with laptops, I decided to make the
compendium on disk.
It cannot get wet, will survive more hazards than a book and will still
be viewable.
This new medium allows for more options in a book, such as movies,
direct connection to the internet, slide shows and allows a more
complete information source.
This compendium has about 5000 pages of information and with successive
upgrades will have thousands of fly patterns to tie.
The first section deals with fly fishing and all the hardware, fly
casting, reading the water, understanding the fish (many different
types) and even how to cook them.
There are links to sites that handle fly tying products, fly rods,
boats, belly boats, motors and more.
There are over 2000 descriptive images, tables and informational
diagrams to help you learn or use the information
The second section holds at present over 1000 fly patterns, each
catalogued by type, insect, or species.
This by itself is worth the entire price of the the 2 disks. (49.99 CDN)
Just send me a note if you are interested and I will ship the disks, in
return for a money order.
send your request to
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