Louise Bremner wrote:
 > Eric Takabayashi <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:
 >>> The thing that constantly 'gets me' about these stories isn't so
 >>> much that it happens;
 >> It certainly does get me that the best way such people can think of
 >> to quiet a crying infant or toddler is to beat them, pound their
 >> head on something, or to throw them.
 > No thought involved at all.... Have you ever had to look after a
 > small child who wouldn't stop crying, no matter what you do? There's
 > that instant where something snaps. Most people can catch themselves
 > just before they lash out, most of the time.
There was a guy in Oakland that was convicted of child abuse for taping
his baby's mouth shut. I suppose it's slightly better than beating 
(though the child could have died fairly easily), which he didn't do, 
and only someone who has had to listen to a baby cry for what seems an 
eternity can understand why he did it.

On a related note, a couple in Virginia was just charged with child 
endangerment for letting their young child (didn't catch the age; seemed 
like a late toddler or tweenie) play with a gun that he pulled out of 
the trunk of their car....

John W.