"Pipper" <nomail@any.com> wrote in message
> I sent this email to several of Olympus's email addresses and Olympus have
> not replied to any of the emails.  Read what I wrote and you will see how
> bad this C765 camera is.  I do not recommend anyone to but one of these
> cameras.
> (Sent to Olympus)
> Hi,
> I have bought an Olympus C765 camera.  I have discovered a "very serious"
> defective camera programming in the camera's on-board software.  The
> software defect makes the camera bloody useless for video playback to TV


Ummm, methinks that initially, a more polite mail would have been better.
You assert that this is a 'defect' and then state it is bad programming. If
it is  the latter then  it is not a defect. I agree that this 'problem'
could be  frustrating and negate the video use. But there again, if I wish
to video I use a video camera. Still cameras, no matter how good, simply do
not match up to requierments in this area. It is nothing more than an
emergency facility.

I have the Canon G5, and have not bothered with the video function. Might
give it a try and compare with you. When I bought the Canon it was torn
between it, the Olympus a Fuji, withe the large zoon ranges of the latter
two being of interest. The Olympus would have won.

Lastly, how good is it in its native  STILL mode?
