Re: One of those frustrating things...
Declan Murphy wrote:
> Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson wrote:
> > On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 19:57:17 +0900, Michael Cash
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >>I wonder what the Crusader is doing on this one? Maybe if she dressed
> >>like a seal.....
> >
> > Not seen a word about it on his fan-club mailing list. Judging by
> > recent behaviour, he'll at best FW an email from someone on the topic,
> > then a couple of months later recycle the story into one of his
> > articles - I think he must pay the JT to print them.
> I doubt it. The gaigin press, such as it is, seems to be constantly
> short of content. I don't write anything in English except for my own
> sites, but I've had the editor/sub-editor thingees of one eigo
> newspaper, two eigo magazines and one eigo newsletter contact me in the
> last 6 months asking for contributed articles. Now that I think of it I
> should have suggested Eric.
Thank you, but no, unless it's one of those positions to watch Japanese TV
shows of my choice then criticize them for money, even if I only catch a
few minutes while channel surfing; or one of those Mainichi editorial
positions to pass on what is written in Japanese gossip magazines, in
greatly embellished English with cute headlines and attempt at puns and
It's Mike who should be paid for his writing.
> --
> "You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on"
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