Master Contemporary Asian Studies in Amsterdam
Universiteit van Amsterdam


The one-year Masters programme Contemporary Asian Studies - taught in Amsterdam 
by faculties from several universities and research institutes in the 
Netherlands - is innovative because of its wide, interdisciplinary character, 
and comparative nature. Unlike ‘area studies’, which concentrates on specific 
regions, ‘Asian Studies’ stresses the importance of looking at the 
interconnections in the Asian region that have been reinforced by transnational 
processes and global trends in terms of politics, economy and culture. These 
broad societal themes will form the basis from which more specific Asian 
contexts will be studied. 

The internationally oriented programme is unique and aspires to achieve a high 
academic standard. With its wide interdisciplinary focus and comparative 
approach, students who have studied anthropology, sociology, politics, 
communication, geography, history, law, economy, and languages and culture of 
Asia, are eligible for the programme. 

Courses include: 
-  Citizenship, Identity and Migration
-  Languages of Asia 
-  Asian Economies and Asian Underworlds 
-  Political Conflict and Religious and Ethnic Violence 
-  Modernity, Media and Popular Culture 
-  East Asia: Powerhouse and Politics 
-  Southeast Asia: Contested Identities 
-  South Asia: Diversity and Contradictions 
-  Central Asia and the Caucasus in Global Politics

For detailed registration procedures, application deadlines, and other 
essential information surf to: or e-mail:

Asian Studies in Amsterdam (ASiA)
Universiteit van Amsterdam
OZ Achterburgwal 237
1012 DL Amsterdam
Tel.: (+31) 20-525 2619