Re: Trains in Japan
Many thanks DJ, really helpful and intesting to hear what you have to say.
Just a thought, I am taking my Digi camera, the charger normally uses 240
volts in u.k. Do you think it will work in Japan with 100 volts electricity.
Many thanks.
"D & M Johnston" <> wrote in message
> Hi there Brian,
> I beleive you will enjoy your travel in Japan as I did in December 02.
> As stated by other posters here, you can apply for JR rail pass which
> all the Bullet Trains(Shinkansen) between Hakata(Fukuoka) up as far as
> Aamori in Northern Honshu via Tokyo.You can get them from travel agent or
> the Japanese Consulate office in your city.It is well worth the money and
> much cheaper than buying seperate tickets.
> The trip you will be doing, I did in reverse. I started from
> of honshu)then to Hiroshima,the War Memorial is very interesting and the
> parks are nice and clean.
> I then went to Kyoto (fantastic place) and Nara (the very first capital of
> Japan a thousand yrs ago)
> also don't forget a walk up to Monkey Mountain where there are lots of
> cheeky monkeys clamouring for food.
> I hope you are fit because going to see all the Temples in Kyoto is very
> exhausting as they have lots of steps due to being high on the
> so they could look out for any enemy clans approaching.
> There is a great little tour bus that goes from Kyoto Stn and will take
> along the major tourist route, you can buy a trip tickey from rail stn or
> you pay driver. In Japan, you get in the back door and take ticket from
> machine, when you get to where you going, you then go up to the driver up
> front and dip your ticket and it will show how much you need to pay.
> Some buses have electronic displays at the front inside of bus showing
> sections traveled and how much is owing.
> The bullet trains are fantastic and will travel along at an average speed
> 285kph so you get to where you are going very quickly......I wish we had
> those trains in Australia, especially all the way up the east coast from
> Melb,Syd, Bris and Cairns.
> Hoping you enjoy your won't regret it!!
> Have fun
> DJ
> "BrianG" <> wrote in message
> news:3fd085e0$
> > I'm new to newsgroup, so sorry if this is request is a bit basic. I'm
> > hoping to travel from Tokyo to Kyoto - Hiroshima - on to Osaka. Is this
> > available by train. Is it cheaper to buy a ticket in U.K. before travel.
> > Thanks Brian
> >
> >
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