Raj Feridun wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 07:40:29 +1300, JJD <jefdrab@newsguy.com> wrote:
>>On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 13:13:04 +0000, T N Nurse
>><tnnurseNOUCE99@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>American Culture?
>>>>>Oh you mean the green stuff that grows on a big Mac if you leave it
>>>>>uncovered for a few days?  that's the closest thing to culture that America
>>>>>will ever have.
>>>>Oh that's brilliant. Do tell, what ultra-cultured, sophisticated,
>>>>genteel country do YOU hail from that you can be making such
>>>>broad-brush, not to mention puerile remarks?
>>>Australia, by the looks of things.
>>I say, steady on when speaking of the colonies.  Remember the wars and
>>all that.
> Yes, which brings us full circle back to what I believe to be the true
> motivation behind the original comments on the "lack" of American
> culture: jealousy and lingering bitterness.

Strewth. I never knew that my views on tenpin bowling, prohibition, open 
container laws, monopolistic software companies, budweiser "beer", and 
christian radio was partially based on my jealousy and lingering 
bitterness. I live and learn.

I am not who I think I am
I am not who you think I am
I am who I think you think I am

...or some such shite.