Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<400351f9$0$3181$>...
>> Society is going to shit because people allow it to go to shit. Drunk people
>> jump up on stage and shoot firecrackers at the mayor because someone let the
>> bastards in the building. Guys in blonde pompadours block traffic and drink sake
>> at high noon because no one calls the bloody cops on them.
>> And then people wonder why these pricks act like they do. I'll tell you why:
>> 1) Because they can.
>Aye, they were way out of order, these various scenes I saw. How
>representative were they though? Was it one in ten or one in a hundred
>that went all to pot? 

However representative of the total attendees they were, it's bound to increase
exponentially every year the authorities let it slide. 1 in 1000 becomes 1 in
10, which becomes 1 in 6, and before long they decide to combat the phenomenon
by: not holding the ceremonies at all. Fuckheads win, tradition goes "plooie".

I thought the nail that sticks up was supposed to get hammered back down. This
is what the Western media drills into our heads. Where are the dreaded Japanese
Imperial Harmony-Keeping Stormtroopers when you really need them? Where are the
holy scrolls of societal rules that everyone must abide by lest they suffer The
Penalty of Shame and Ostracization for All Eternity at the Fringes of Society
blah blah bleargh?

>Did you also see there was one ambulance that
>got called, then got seriously booted by the drunken hordes? 

Yes, that was all over NewsStation last night. I don't remember what happened to
the perps, but let's see... assault, damage of city property, interfering with
emergency services. That would rack up at least a year in the pokey and/or about
a year's salary in fines anywhere else.

The 2-Belo
news:alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk (mhm21x20)            (Meow.)            (God Hates Janks!)

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