"Brett Robson" <jet_boy@deja.com> wrote in message
> On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 22:27:40 +0900, Dave Fossett  ...
> >
> >I didn't realize it was just us in Japan that were getting excited.
> >I don't think that is correct about it not going on sale until 9 a.m.,
> >though. The TV reports I saw said that the Japanese would be among the
> >to taste it, as it went on sale at midnight local time.
> >I must admit I bought a bottle yesterday after reading how good it was
> >supposed to be this year. Seemed OK to me too...
> >
> Bojolly isn't exactly good wine, and it certainly isn't appropriate for be
> drinking at the beginning of winter.

Beaujolais Noveau is a particular fad in Japan. I think it must be the
desire to be sophisticated in the ways of things international; the world
must all await the arrival of Beaujolais Noveau.....we will wait twice as

Actually I should not talk, it was this fad that was really my first taste
of wine. I got hooked on red wine after trying out Beaujolais Noveau in
Japan. Now I consider it rather poor wine, way too young, although sometimes
has a nice refreshing fragrance. Unfortunately, although I may like red
wine, it really does not like me -- and in particular Beaujolais Noveau can
leave you with a fairly nasty red wine hangover.