<dropped the uk group>

"Sickle584th" <sukhoi9999@adelphia.junknetspam> squawked:
> "Pen^3" <Pen3@pen3.cjb.net.NO> wrote
> hey Pen^3, haven't seen ya post in a while. Know where Disaster is?

My news-server has been crap for a few months.  It's still a bit
intermittent.  For a while Dissy and I couldn't see each others
messages, then I dropped off for a while.  When I got back, a little
while ago, he had gone.  I was hoping someone would tell me what
happened.  Has anyone tried emailing him?

 _    ___              Pen^3
(p_  | _ \ ___  _ _ 3
//\  |  _// -_)| ' \   Pen3 @ pen3.cjb.net
V_/  |_|  \___||_|\_|  http://pen3.cjb.net/

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