On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 12:21:04 +0900, "mr.sumo snr."
<mr_sumo@hotmail.com> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>"Michael Cash" <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 21:59:51 +0900, "Dick Muhfukkin Bagswing"
>> <laugh@my.nuts.wouldja?> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:
>> Ever since I got my handy-dandy little 30gb hard-drive mp3 player I
>> only listen to the radio about 10 or 15 minutes a day. I think I have
>> a larger music library than AFN does anyway. For talk radio, I record
>> off the internet and take it with me.
>I've found a few audiobook torrents at supernova.  Plenty of versions of
>Tolkien of course - I'm currently on the unabridged version of TFOTR - which
>I burn, about 4 files at a time, to a CD-RW and then listen to in the car.
>They're all in MP3 format of course so they'd easily fit on your MP3 player.
>Back in the early 1990's I used to deliver demonstrator vehicles for
>Vauxhall/Opel and got tired of listening to UK's Radio 1 by lunchtime every
>day - fortunately Radio 4 were dramatizing the entire Sherlock Holmes
>collection at the time - daily.  A lot of cars were delivered past the
>scheduled time 'coz the driver was sitting in a motorway service area
>listening to Holmes once again struggling with Professor Moriarty.

You might enjoy checking out some of the old radio programs from
pre-television days. On your favorite p2p just search on "Old Time
Radio" or "OTR" and you'll find a wealth of stuff. Or just dig around
in the fap server and you'll find a growing collection of stuff. 

I am very happily working my way through the 300+ Jack Benny episodes.
There are a lot or running gags, so it helps to start near the
beginning and go through in sequence. Files of that particular program
prior to about 1938 are of such poor quality that they're practically
impossible to listen to.

I've also started to check out episodes of "The Shadow". While they
are horribly dated and exceedingly quaint, they are fine material for
time spent driving. "Amos and Andy" is another interesting show, if
you get past judging it by modern standards. It is considered racially
insensitive nowadays. Still some good humor in it, and not race-based
either. I've ordered a 3 CD-R set of 237 episodes from a guy in
Indiana (http://www.billsparks.org). There's a link on that page
leading to his online store. Very reasonable prices, and a huge
selection of programs.