"Yawn" <yawn@gazeta.pl> wrote in message 

> Thank God you wrote about it!
> I have Toshiba M30X-118, which has serious problems. I had the motherboard 
> exchanged two times. Now, I am trying to get my money back, but the seller 
> doesn't believe me, that the problem exists.
> My problem is that when working on WiFi notebook restarts about 10 times a 
> day.
> Do you have any documentation concerning the problem? I really need 
> anything saying that Toshiba has problems!
> Thank you,
> Yawn

You need to contact your local Toshiba Service Center.  It's not a problem 
with the board per se, but a problem with the top cover.  Should the problem 
with the top cover occur, it causes a short which make the system board 
fail.  It's common to all 15.4" Satellite models and is noted on the Toshiba 

My A75 spent 6 weeks in the Service Center waiting for parts.  Since its 
return, it's been fine.

If your guaranteee is out, you're going to have to pay up.
Cari (MS-MVP)
Printing & Imaging
