Re: Call to Austrians: Please be nice to Americans
Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> It seems that in addition to a predilection for yodeling in lederhosen, the
> many faults of Austrians include "persecuting" poor, unsuspecting American
> exchange students.
> The vile abuses included calling Americans "sepos" and in one incident,
> telling an American student in a pub "I hate your president. I hate your
> country."
> It appears that many of the American students were shocked at the treatment,
> because they thought that "everybody likes Americans."
> Shame on you, Austrians!
My favorite part:
> The Colorado-based Australearn organisation – which teaches "cultural
> adjustment" to US students before they come to Australia – started
> warning in January of attitudes towards Americans over Iraq.
Started in January? As in January 2005? Hasn't the war been going on
for since 2003? Did Austrians not get mad at Americans about the war
until then or did it take "Australearn" 1.5 years to figure out what the
hell was going on?
Curt Fischer
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