Dear Sergey,

After this I give up!
I showed you that your interpretation of the magnetic equations must be
wrong, and I claimed that your experiments in your paper are, as far as I
can see but after very careful examination, in agreement with standard
theory. You did not reply to that, but you proposed a new, simpler
experiment that would indeed distinguish between your theory and standard
I encouraged you to that experiment, and even how you can simplify it even
more, so you can do it completely in less than one day.
But I also pointed out why it is certain that you are wrong, because your
theory has the wrong scaling factor, it yields wrong dimensions! Again, you
did not answer on that.

But now you claim that one of your other experiments is the same:
"Everything what you saw in that new experiment has been fully presented in
those which we stated in the paper. "
You know that I disagree, and obviously you did not believe that I had
carefully studied your experiments.
However, I did not discuss it in detail.. I do not think that your last
fig.2 changes anything.
For locating B, we must look at the magnetic flux. Almost all magnetic flux
goes through the metal. You have two magnetic circuits next to each other
with the flux going round in the same sense. As a result, the flux of the
left windings goes opposite through the central part as the flux in the
right windings:

^ > v ^ > v
^   v ^   v
^ < v ^ < v

Your double probe-loop makes things complex. You measure in that central
part, the rest remaining equal, likely. In the central position you should
measure nothing, as everything is compensated, in each half loop the total
up flux is the same as the total down flux. It looks to me that you pick up
the potential from the currents due to the average vertical total fluxes,
which change when you move out of the central position.
For example, going with your frame to the left in my sketch, you will get a
net "up" flux in your left half loop  and net "down" flux in the other part,
so that they add up to give a voltage between the pick-up  points.

Have a nice end of 2003!


"Sergey Karavashkin" <> wrote in message
> "Harry" <> wrote in message
> > See below; I intertwine some of your comments with mine.
> >
> > "Sergey Karavashkin" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > (Harry) wrote in message
> >  news:<>...
> > > > (Sergey Karavashkin) wrote in message
> >  news:<>...
> > > > > "Harry" <> wrote in message
> >  news:<3fcc646c$>...
> >  SNIP
> > > > > Dear Harald,
> > > > >
> > > > > Some time ago I explained you, I have the internet access twice a
> > > > > week. Once I can take your post, and another time I can load my
> > > > > So please have a patience and find my respond here
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > with figures, or read here as a simple text:
> >
> > Nice picture! And this one is very clear, even without text.
> I'm pleased much, this was the aim of my efforts. ;-)
> >
> > > > > Dear Harald,
> > > > >
> > > > > Unfortunately, I still don't see the reasons to be upset, neither
> > > > > withdraw this paper from the web. You are saying yourself,
> > > > >
> > > > > >I have no problem with your introduction; also not with your
> >  equations and not even with your experiments.
> > > > >
> > > > > Is not it principal, as from it all other follows. ;-)
> >
> > No, not even in two postings I was able to communicate to you what the
> > problem is...
> > despite that in my comments I SNIPPED away most of the thigns that are
> > irrelevant to my objection!
> > In order to keep it compact, I will again remove most of what is not
> > necessary or even confusing, so that the emphasis will be right
> >
> > > > > Now in turn.
> > > > >
> > > > > 1. You are stating,
> > > > >
> > > > > >The induction according to standard theory is not related to the
> >  change
> > > > > >of B vector at the wire, but to the change of enclosed flux, that
> >  to the
> > > > > >total amount of change of field lines inside the enclosed area.
> > SNIP
> >
> > > > The phrase in your paper that I do understand for sure:
> > > > "Thus, if the conventional treatment of induction is true, the phase
> > > > shift between the ... interior and exterior secondary loops has to
> > > > equal to 180 degrees."
> > > >
> > > > That is where I got a sick feeling in my stomach, for that is
> > > > certainly not the case, as set out in fig.3, the phase shift must be
> > > > degrees!
> > > >
> > > > SNIP
> > > > > If you look at Fig. 4 of the paper, page 75, where
> > > > > we showed the lines of force of magnetic field in standard
> > > > > representation, you will see, for the internal winding the flux is
> > > > > directed upwards, and for external winding - downwards the figure.
> > > >
> > > > Again, NO! The direction of the lines of force is not equal to the
> > > > direction of the net enclosed flux. In fact it was useful in a way
> > > > be confronted with it in this way, as more clearly than in the past
> > > > realise how non-local the effect is - quite magical without an ether
> > > > theory.
> > > > To say it in plain English: in conventional electromagnetic theory,
> > > > the local magnetic field vector change is irrelevant for the induced
> > > > current.
> > > > What counts is the average magnetic field inside the loop, and not
> > > > magnetic field at the wire.
> >
> > > > It very much looks like you confused a line integral with a surface
> > > > integral. :-(
> >
> > -> You did not comment on that; but it is perhaps the main point!
> Why, figures that you liked have commented. I especially choose the
> circuits showing that just the average field is irrelevant. Further I
> will broaden this theme a little.
> >
> > Instead of explaining your understanding on what Faraday claimed, you
> > replied:
> >
> > > I suggest to carry out a very simple experiment.
> Right. Because namely in this experiment lies the answer to your
> question and my understanding of Faraday.
> >
> > [see further]
> >
> > Although it may be enlightening to know what really happens, it will in
> > principle not help to solve the question about what the law of Faraday
> > think it was him) predicts! But in practice it may be useful, in another
> > way.
> See, Harald, for complete understanding of induction processes we have
> to pass a definite way. This what you read in our paper shows the
> entrance into the labyrinth but not the final output. Faraday whose
> heritage were experiments, not formulas, worked with loops and coils,
> so he described them. Maxwell and then hertz have formalised Faraday's
> experiments and fixed in formulas his experimental results. When you
> read our paper, you could see, we paid much attention just to, how to
> avoid loops, to see, how the induction law transforms in absence of
> loop. This was the main goal. Simply you shouldn't expect everything
> at once from one paper, then that what we have done will be more
> clear. ;-)
> >
> > > > To put the equation in another way, with V =voltage, S = surface and
> > > > B' = average magnetic field inside the loop: V = S * dB'/dt .
> >
> > > Thus, in both cases the cross-section of flux going through
> > > the secondary circuit is the same and this flux will average (your
> > > personal invention) equally across the section, isn't it just your
> > > statement?.
> >
> > Again, your comment is as part of an experiment to perform, and not
> > the theory. But you nearly correctly understood me:
> > My "personal invention" about the meaning of a surface integral is that
> > gives you the total (normal) flux that is enclosed by the loop -done by
> > multiplying the local B in the area with the dx and dy - and that is the
> > same as the average (normal) B times the surface inside the loop.
> You see, Harald, numerical coincidence of results is stipulated by
> theorems, and the main, by vector algebra transforms, but electron of
> secondary loop cannot know what occurs out of particular physical
> point where it is located. When you are saying of the flux of vector
> crossing the loop, you conventionally do not ponder that the very idea
> of force line means the tangent to the direction of force action or to
> the field strength at PARTICULAR point. Usually, when we consider the
> flux of vector, we rarely make this flux inhomogeneous in
> cross-section. In this way we close the door to comprehend the
> phenomenon. This is why in the circuits of my previous message I
> formed just inhomogeneous field in the loop. You clearly see from it
> that, when averaging the flux of vector across the section, you lose
> the essence of processes of induction interaction. But if you do not
> average, then a number of questions arise which we study in our paper.
> You are right, there is no new theory in our paper. But who prevents
> us to create a team, to appeal for funding and to advance step by step
> into the depths of labyrinth? Is not it a standard practice in
> scientific circles? ;-)
> >
> > SNIP
> >
> > > I suggest to carry out a very simple experiment shown in Fig. 1which
> > > you can see with this text at
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Fig. 1
> >
> > > Take two cores of the same material and assemble them so that their
> > > cross-sections be equal but as if turned perpendicularly relatively
> > > each other. On these cores, reel up the windings with equal number of
> > > turns of wire having the same diameter. The width of gap is also the
> > > same in both cores, and one source serves for both. Thus, the only
> > > difference between them will be that one plane of cross-section is
> > > turrned as to another. To check the cores identity, we can measure
> > > their inductance. If we made this all carefully, it has to be in
> > > limits of very small error.
> > >
> > > Let us also make a frame WITHOUT compensation (usual loop with large
> > > perimeter) so that its size was much more than the size of
> > > cross-section of loop. Insert the frame into the gaps of cores so that
> > > in both cases its rod in the gap was exactly at the interior boundary
> > > of gap. Thus, in both cases the cross-section of flux going through
> > > the secondary circuit is the same and this flux will average (your
> > > personal invention) equally across the section, isn't it just your
> > > statement?
> >
> > > I would like to notice here, I'm intentionally saying of a large size
> > > of frame, as in this case the difference in average across the
> > > cross-section of gap will be very, very negligible.
> > >
> > > Now let us experiment. You already have guessed, in this circuit, with
> > > the frame having constant cross-section, being immovable relatively
> > > core and at constant cross-section of gap, you have to yield the
> > > inductive emf the same in both gaps, and my emf has to dependent on
> > > ratio between the long and short sides of gap. To lift all additional
> > > doubts because of dispersion, let us make this ratio considerable -
> > > for example, 1/3 or 1/4. So, even with all your distrust, the
> > > difference between our results will be trustworthy sufficient.
> > >
> > > Are you ready to check it and make sure? ;-)
> >
> > Now, here is again the confusion between "you" and "my": I don't have my
> > theory.
> > I thought that the purpose of your paper was to compare two theories in
> > practice. In your paper you claimed that the test results are not
> > to the standard theory, while I noticed nothing different from
> > And you did not directly reply to that.
> > However, in your newly proposed experiment, clearly you predict
> > else than the books: You claim that the induced voltage is not
determined by
> > the amount of enclosed flux, but by the amount of magnetic field on the
> > wire, and you propose the new experiment to decide.
> > Am I right?
> >
> > I think it's a good idea, and your set-up looks OK to me. You can
> > the experiment by only using the second configuration, and move the loop
> > along the air gap, starting from outside. In standard theory, the
> > should increase until you enclose all flux, after which it should be
> > constant; while in your theory, it should remain constant until you
> > all flux, after which it should drop. Am I right?
> >
> > Nevertheless, it would be extremely surprising if you are right: not
> > *someone* would have noticed the above effects by now. Worse, doubling
> > circumference of a loop in a homogenous field is expected to result in 4
> > times as much voltage, while according to your hypothesis it results in
> > twice as much voltage (if I am wrong about your prediction, please
> > elaborate). I think that such a thing is impossible to "miss"!
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> > Harald
> Everything what you saw in that new experiment has been fully
> presented in those which we stated in the paper. To show it, I suggest
> to refine a little the experiment from my previous post. Let us extend
> the loop from the gap, in any core. Factually this will be the same as
> in second and third experiments of paper. With it the rod of loop in
> the gap will be in the field shown in figure that you can see at
> Fig. 1
> In this figure you see the cross-section of rod of loop (red circle)
> in two extreme locations. You see that during the displacement the
> direction of instantaneous magnetic field in the gap does not change.
> Only the frame comes out of the gap. And during going out of gap, the
> direction of instantaneous flux of vector B that crosses the
> cross-section of frame also will not change, changes only the absolute
> value of your dear "average flux". Thus, on whatever variation of
> standard formalism would you rely, you will not get the inversion of
> flux with the loop coming out of gap. At the same time the
> experimental results will show you the same inversion of emf at the
> centre of gap as in the second experiment of paper. This means, not
> everything in the paper is so much expectable? ;-) Simply you would
> analyse these results deeper, in particular the condition of
> compensation of parasitic emfs in the loop. Instead to do so, you
> snipped the substantiation from my before-last post with Fig. 3 as
> irrelevant. I'm inserting this figure again.
> Fig. 3 from the previous post
> In this figure you can see the frame just compensative and that it
> allows to measure just the inductance in the rod, not in the loop.
> Though in the paper we showed, it is unnecessary to apply the
> compensative frame. Simply we have to fulfil few conditions (this is
> what I'm adding now). The first condition has been indicated in the
> paper - this is localisation of magnetic field. Second condition is
> visual from the experiment of my previous post which puzzled you
> &#61485; this is the location of taps as far as possible from the rod
> of core. The compensative construction of frame only provides the
> reliability of measurement but is not necessary if these conditions
> have been fulfilled. You have skipped this all, and now you are
> saying, you don't understand. Naturally. This is just about what I'm
> tired to tell in the newsgroups. Take any question and analyse it
> namely as it is. Try to turn this toy, not confining yourself to the
> edges given by conventional conceptions. Try to get to know, what will
> occur if you change the conditions of experiment. Your eyes will get
> open.
> In order to advance more fruitfully in understanding, we need a funded
> project. This is not a request, and I don't mean a least to insist,
> only I already told you this simple thing and now recall by the way.
> Then you could not solve the problem and now you cannot comprehend the
> input to this labyrinth that leads just to the problem which you did
> not solve. These are all features. In reality this all is very simple.
> ;-)
> Kind regards,
> Sergey.