Re: Dynamic magnetic field is open
"Sergey Karavashkin" <> wrote in message
> Dear Colleagues,
> We published a new paper
> " Several experiments studying dynamic magnetic field "
> in our journal "SELF Transactions", volume 3 (2003), issue 1
> *Abstract*
> We substantiate three sets of experiments studying EM induction,
> describe and present their results. These experiments corroborate that
> the lines of force of dynamic magnetic field are open, as well as that
> the phenomenology of process of mutual induction is true if based on
> the direct interaction of parallel sections of primary and secondary
> loops. Additional theoretical calculations on the basis of this
> phenomenology well coincide with the experimental results.
> Please enjoy reading full text:
> I hope, it will be interesting for many of you, and look forward to
> hear your opinion.
> Sergey.
Sergey, this looks highly interesting, and I am sorry that I don't find the
time to look at it thoroughly.
One little practical comment: evidently you put a lot of effort into your
papers, so would it be much work to have a downloadable file, "in one go"
instead of having to do it in 10 times? (ideally PDF). It would likely
increase the number of people who -at least- put your articles on their
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