Hello and thank you for having me. My name is Christine Calnin and I am a
freelance writer and also the owner of AgriWoman.com, which is an online
support network for women in agriculture/agri-business.  It is our goal to
become the largest women's ag network in the world.


AgriWoman helps women involved in ag to network with each other from their
businesses to companionship and even travel. AgriWomen Traveling hopes to
network women around the world and encourage visiting other AgriWomen either
locally or world wide. Women can travel to visit or assist those in need
with projects, etc.

We are also involved with BisonRidge Ranch Retreat center and will be
hosting a variety of retreats, both ag related as well as other interesting
retreats that are non ag related. If you are interested in holding your OWN
retreat, seminar or getaway, please contact me and learn how you can enrich
the lives of others and supplement your income both personally and for your
business, in the process. Please address retreat email to
retreats@agriwoman.com all other emails to christine@agriwoman.com

If you are involved in agriculture in some form or run a business that is ag
related, please stop by the site and email me if you would like to be
included in the directory.

AgriWoman.com also has a variety of message boards that can be used to get
and give advice as well as to make friends.

Please stop by and say hi. We are growing every day!

Thank you for the opportunity to tell you about my enterprise and I hope to
get to know some of you.

It's so great to work together!