> How come my spammers are all man?!?

Yea, and recently many Nigerian crooks have relocated to South Africa. Got 2
messages today. There are over 26 million $$$ to grab since the owner and
his entire family died in the Lockerbe <sp?> crash!
Where are the good old times when one or two letters with nice African
stamps arrived every month? Handwritten letters where young girls ask for a
mere 300 dollars to learn sewing in order to support their grandparents
(parents already died of Aids). Every other line there was a holy word like
"God" or "Lord"...
The letters looked really convincing, until I compared the handwritings.
This crook has written all the letters himself/herself (with different
Now I reply to every sender and attach a message that all data
(tel/fax/email) has been reported to the relevant embassy and to the local
chapter of Interpol. I know that it is useless, but some freshmen among the
crooks might give the threats a longer thought.


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