> Now allow me to UNintroduce you to Kazaa. If you are using it, please
> uninstall it immediately. Then visit http://www.kazaalite.tk/ and
> download and install Kazaa-Lite instead. You will still be connected
> to the same file-sharing network, but you won't have any spyware
> installed on your computer and there won't be any advertisements sent
> to your computer.

Let me add something that can save you from getting into trouble...
If you just install Kazaa (or the light version), you still have all the
downloaded files sit in your "Shared Folder"... which means that everybody
can download from your machine, I think that this is the default setting in
While nobody bothers if you store some oldies, there are other files which
can land you in prison.
If you happen to download a couple of commercial Microsoft  and Adobe
programs, some brand new music albums, etc., you are illegally "selling"
them for free to the world without having a clue what's going on!
Either you disable sharing (which is against the spirit of using Kazaa), or
you move certain downloaded files immediately out into another folder.  Many
peer-to-peer users apparently don't know about this danger....

The third advise would be forking out a lot of money to buy everything you
desire... like me. That's also the reason why I am so poor to be forced to
use Kazaa...:-)


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