> What does Japanese law say about this kind of issue? I find it
> difficult to believe that it would be "cave emptor" as my BYJW
> implied.

It's too expensive to take a lawyer, but there are other ways to deal with
I was turned down a couple of times, but showing ones teeth and getting
noisy does the trick. (Works very well in Japanese banks!)

1) The salesman/lady tells me that "sold as seen" has to be accepted:  Ask
for the store manager. In case of reluctance, get noisy! It works wonders
since the manager might hear it and rush to the scene before being told...
Just make sure that it is indeed the store manager and not some colleague
who rushes for help.

2) If this one doesn't work, and no higher god can be reached, write a
registered letter to the head of the company and ask - if anything should
fail - whether he objects to air your grievances at length by showing the
evidence to the press, and discuss it at NIFTY and in various newsgroups on
the Japanese Internet!
This hint was given to me by a Japanese friend who happens to be a lawyer.
All you have to do is not accusing the other party of anything that can be
used against you. Your determination and whining in conjunction with the
company's name is usually enough to make them react.

I have usually done that with certain shops in Akihabara, but also got the
immediate ear by Sanyo and Sony after having been trashed by a low-level
employee. No problem during the past 8 years, however.
Never take a "no", "does not work or exist", etc., at face value! The soft
approach is the right thing to do, but as soon as you feel that stubbornness
sets in, present your full set of tools to remedy the problem. It saves a
lot of running and writing.


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