Wizzard wrote:
> I was just messing around and happened across the Rei Strip Poker 
> computer game. I wasn't interested in it myself, but I thought you guys 
> might be, so I put it up  on my website 
> www.freewebs.com/wizzard/files/rei%20poker.exe. Did anybody else already 
> have this up, or am I actually contributing something ^-^

Zipping the file cut in into 1/3 it's original size (why didn't I think 
of that before I posted the previous message?), so those of you with 
Winzip can save yourselves some time 
http://www.freewebs.com/wizzard/files/rei%20poker.zip Enjoy!

"The commander's got the least experience of all of us, which means he's 
the most expendable, right?" - Eledore, 08th MST

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