I hope it's all right.
I have taken the liberty to put an ad for two programs which have been
developped in France.
I hope it's okay with you.
The details in English of the programs are on the site
http://www.photoplan.net , and this is why I haven't translated the
introduction posted on your ng
On second thought though, I feel I might need to give you some details :
PHOTOPLAN is a software which is capable of 'rectifying aerial or building
elevation photographs and in line you have working demos.
LENSRECTIFIER is a very new program developped by mathematicians and
correcting the optical distortion of classical or digital cameras. It is
especially interesting in the sense that it upgrades your ordinary numerical
camera of say $ 1500 to the level of a camera worth $ 15 000 . Further it
corrects the short focus distance ( great angle shot ) which is a thing
which whatever the price cameras cannot do .
However, this program is not as yet translated into English but will be
within the next three months.
Both programs complete each other and are especially appreciated in
Archaeology with precision to the mm, Facade surveying especially the very
complex ones and of course in 3D terrain modeling.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards
J. Valentin
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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