Re: Live action Eva is coming
> > I'm not concerened.It won't get made. Live action and giant robots has
> never
> > worked except for power rangers level material. Without the giant robots
> > is mostly depressing social interaction of emotionly damaged charactors,
> not
> > enough explosions to atract a American aimed studio.
> Hmmm... We could end up with another "Guyver" movie (yech!) Not that
> the anime was
> all that good either.
And the second movie was even better! = : { I was actually thinking of a
string of BAD live action/ giant robot movies that went strait to video in
the late '80's "Steel Gladators" ect. ect.
> Here's a thought (fanfic anyone?): A new Reboot episode, "Freon
> Genesis". Mainframe's
> cooling system is out of whack. A game cube descends while Bob, et al are
> trying to fix
> the fridge. The game is... drum roll please, "Girlfriend of Steel"!
> Characters all reboot as:
> Enzo - Shinji
> Dot - Misato
> Bob - Kaji
> AndrAi - Asuka
> Megabyte - Gendo
> Hexadecimal - Ritsuko
> Mike the TV - Magi
> Phong - Kihl
> Hack - Unit 01
> Slash - Unit 02
> Mouse - Rei
> The user has 17 Angels to try to cause the Third Impact. These range
> from Rocky the
> Rabid Racoon to the dino's from "When Games Collide".
> I like it! Whatever happened to Reboot anyway? Was there a third season?
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