Re: who is arianne?
omg, u poofters are soo cool! you play secret societies and imaginay reis
creatures and you think someone who has distinctly differentiated thought
patterns from your stereotypical image of 'NERD' and 'GEEK' and 'POOFTERs'
are bots. well no, i'm not a bot, sorry to dissapoint you and your legions
of ugly computer addicted geek friends who are spending their precious time
between picking their noses, sucking each other off, thinking up clever
geeky acronyms such LART, picking lumps of fossilized turd from their arses
because when they've been playing dungeons and dragons they rather hold it
in, and of course looking for conspiracies such as 'bots.' well, whether you
think i'm a bot or not, I think it should be in your interest to hope that
i'm not a bot because it is almost certain that my artificial stupidity is
no match for your absolute stupidity. and why are you asking me how old i
am? isn;t it obvious that the urgency lies in the question of how old are
you? you and your childish and quaint games of secret societies, such as the
oh no, "lackwits list" of dangerous internet criminals and offenders, and
usenet "heros" such as your "disaster" who probably sucks dicks and eats
arse 17 times a week to pay for his internet access just so he can have a
bunch of camel asswipes worshipping his almighty geeky soul which probably
resides in a body of an disfigured irish leprechaun about the size of a
spleen with electron telescopes for glasses, living in a basement trying
desperately everyday to hack his mum's net nanny password so he can go to
google and look up various websites to get off on his fetishes of horses and
one more thing,
haha, that's a funny one, you sound like a hippy cross with a computer nerd,
the variety of personalities here is astonishing.
"Henry A. Porter" <> wrote in message
> MBVA <> wrote in message
> news:3e16f040$0$7197$
> > ok, fudge packing monkey humpers. i'm going to find out where you all
> > and then i'm going to come over there with a bloody axe and tell your
> > mothers that you've been swearing on the internet and then i'm going to
> give
> > her the axe and let her shove it up you real deep, further than your
> > boyfriends have ever gone before.
> >
> SO wrong. How old ARE you, anyway? For that matter, why am I
> bothering to reply to such dribble as this. Oh, I know.... I'm channelling
> Disaster, which means I am ALWAYS RIGHT! As such, pal, YOU ARE A LACKWIT
> THE INFINITE DEGREE! GROW UP! Otherwise, I'll take your soul and give it
> the Reis to have. They've been rather lonely lately.
> Vaughn L.Porter
> Formerly with DSE
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